Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Dubai clothing

Typical Clothing, Do you know what it is and how do you use the kafiyyeh ..?

Anyone today is able to recognize a person of Arab origin for his particular dress, but what is his peculiar way of dress?

First, the rules for dressmaking in Muslim countries are based on the teachings of the Qur'an. Both men and women should dress modestly and simply, usually in dark and conservative colors. The Islamic dress code varies from country to country.

Allah says:

33: (59) "O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters, and the other women believers that they should cast their outer garments over when in public: this will help them to be recognized as decent women and not be harassed. But [yet,] God is indeed indulgent, dispenser of grace! "

"And I gave to the believers that they lower their eyes and keep their plots, and show no more adornments than those in sight ..." (24:31)

From these verses we can extract the characteristics of the Islamic dress for the woman and for the man:

1 - The dress should not be narrow, evidencing the forms of the body.

2- The material of the dress should not be transparent.

3- Women should not wear men's clothing. Similarly, it is forbidden for a man to wear specific clothing for a woman.

4- Colors used outside the home should not be phosphorescent, bright, or flashy or with excessive decorations.

5 - It should not imitate the fashion of the unbelievers of doubtful moral.

Knowing this we can enter into the different types of garments worn by Arab people. Without discrimination of gender, I will speak so much of the clothes that you saw the Muslim man as of the clothes you saw the Muslim woman.

Men's Clothing:

The minimum requirement is for clothing to cover the body from the navel to the knee. They should not wear clothing under their ankles, and are prohibited from wearing silk and gold.

Muslim men are expected to wear loose, modest and dignified clothing. In many Muslim countries men wear a traditional loose tunic, which covers from the neck to the ankles with a turban that matches the outfit.

Men's attire is simpler than women's, and offers lesser variety.

 - kafiyyeh: The kafiyyeh is a garment, of cultural type, that the men use on the head. It is used many times to show pride in Arab identity.

- Thawb or thobe or suriyah: Long and wide tunic that reaches to the ankles, in summer it is white and of cotton and in winter it is dark and of wool.

Women's Clothing:

In the case of women's attire, more variety is given depending on the style of the woman, the country where she lives, and her preferences.

It should be noted that Islam rejects the use of the naked body of women as object-merchandise, on the other hand, the Hijab (veil) does not prevent women from fulfilling their role within society, but it does hinder the attempts of the immoral They only value women for their physical charms.

 - Hijab: The word hijab means veil in Arabic although in the western languages ​​it refers specifically to the so-called Islamic veil or scarf that completely covers the head and neck of women.

This handkerchief, considered by many Muslims as a symbol, at the same time, of religion and femininity, is worn in different styles and colors.

 - Niqab: It is a veil that covers the face but exposes the eyes. However, it can be used with an additional veil to completely cover the face. It is used by more conservative women.

 - Burka: Also called burqa, it is the clothing that most covers women. It covers the whole body, with only one grid in the face to allow vision.

 - shayla: It is a long and rectangular veil widely used in the countries of the Persian Gulf. With it the head is wrapped and folded or fixed on the shoulders.

- khimar: It is a layered veil that extends to the waist and covers the hair, neck and shoulders completely but leaves the face exposed.

 - Chador: Used by Iranian women outside the home, it is a kind of blanket that covers the whole body. Usually it is accompanied internally with a smaller veil.

Once we know each piece of Muslim clothing, it remains to answer the question, Is it an obligation or a recommendation / choice?

Well, in some countries an Islamic dress code is required, others simply suggest it.

In some Muslim countries, such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, the Islamic dress code is strictly enforced. Other countries, such as Turkey, Egypt and Morocco, take the dress code as a suggestion.

If it is true that the woman has complete freedom to choose the type of "veil" she wants to wear, since it can not be

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