Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Religion in Dubai

Predominant religion in Dubai and UAE

religion in Dubai Islamic

The religion that is professed in Dubai and above all in UAE is Islam, although the practices of other religions are not prohibited, since as I mentioned previously in other publications, 90% of the population are expatriates. But if we live here we must learn something about Islam and respect its traditions, for this I will explain some points of this religion that is not so well known to us.

First, it is important to bear in mind that the followers of the Islamic faith are called "Muslims" and for them Islam is not only a religion but also its way of life. Islam means "active submission to the will of God," and this, like other religions, teaches that God controls everything. If for example you are making plans, you often hear the answer "in sha Allah" which means if God wants.

If we speak of the Holy Quran, we will be talking about the word of God or Bible for us, but for them it is not the same, since they mention that the Bible was a post-Koran writing. The latter sets standards for all aspects of life and; Is considered the direct word of God and final truth.

There are five pillars of Islam:
1) Faith (shahada): His belief is that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the prophet of him.

Friday prayer in mosque
2) Prayer (salah): Muslim devotees must perform 5 obligatory prayers per day. The first (fajr) is performed when the sun is rising and when you can see the difference between a white thread and a black thread only with natural light, the second (dhuhr) is at noon, the third (hold) in the middle afternoon , The fourth (maghreb) is performed when the sun sets and the last prayer (isha) is done at night. Prayer durations can range from 10 to half an hour and can be done anywhere, but Friday's noon prayers should be held in a mosque. Muslims wash before praying to show their will to be purified.

3) Charity (zakat): If you are a Muslim you must donate 2.5% of your assets every year.

4) Fasting (swam): Refers to fasting in Ramadan, which is done in August. During this month Muslims must fast in the hours of sunshine, this is done as an act of self-purification and a test of strength, patience and inner knowledge; For this devotees must refrain from drinking, eating, smoking, and all physical movements, including sexual activity. After a month of running Ramadan, there is a break of the fast or "the great festival" where the whole community celebrates, even non-Muslim parties can attend. They serve coffees, sweets, get dressed in new clothes and it's also time to donate food to a charity.

5) The pilgrimage (haj): and the last of the important pillars is to make a pilgrimage, at least once in life, to Mecca and the reward of this will be the forgiveness of all sins.

The day of rest or sacred for them is Friday and that is when businesses and shops are closed, except in the malls.
Dubai is one of the most liberal and permissive places in the Middle East, we are not obliged to follow your religion but to respect the Arab culture and its laws. A code of conduct was published in 2009, which refers to several points, for example, the signs of affection between married and non-married couples in public places do not conform to local customs and culture, but if couples are tolerated Married can be held hands, but no kisses or caresses, as it is considered an offense to public decency. Sexual harassment of women in public places could be punished by imprisonment or deportation.

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